What is a Lottery?
A lottery is an arrangement of prizes whereby each applicant has a chance to win a prize, the amount of which depends upon chance. Lotteries are typically run by governments or private corporations in order to raise funds for a public purpose. They usually begin operations with a small number of relatively simple games, and due to the pressure to generate revenue, progressively expand in scope and complexity, including adding new games.
In The Lottery, Shirley Jackson depicts a bucolic rural village in which the villagers gather each year to hold their yearly lottery. Children on summer break are the first to assemble; adults soon follow, displaying stereotypical small-town behavior. After a hush settles over the crowd, Mr. Summers begins the lottery by reading names off a list. The heads of families approach the black box and select paper slips. Those who draw are congratulated for their good fortune, while those who don’t are scolded for not taking part in this essential ritual. Old Man Warner scoffs at young people’s hesitancy to participate and asserts that the lottery is essential for a productive harvest and harmonious society.
The lottery has also been adopted in the United States as a way for state governments to raise money for a variety of purposes, including social welfare programs. Although critics often focus on the lottery’s promotion of gambling and its potential negative consequences for low-income people and problem gamblers, the fact is that state lotteries are a major source of public revenue. Nevertheless, they also send messages that are largely geared to the upper-income segments of the population: the message is that if you play the lottery, it’s not just about winning the big prize; it’s about doing your civic duty for your country and its residents.