How to Read a Pay Table

A narrow notch, groove or opening, such as a keyway in machinery or the slit for a coin in a vending machine. In ornithology, the narrow notch between the tips of some birds’ primaries, which during flight helps to maintain a smooth flow of air over the wings. In aviation, a scheduled time and place for an aircraft to take off or land at an airport as authorized by an air-traffic control authority: More slots have been allocated at U.S. airports in recent years. Also, in ice hockey, an unmarked area near the opponent’s goal that affords a vantage point for an attacking player.


Whether you play classic or modern slot games, knowing how to read a pay table can make your gaming experience more enjoyable. This is because understanding the payout system, symbols and monetary value of a particular combination can help you decide what combinations to go after. In addition, some slot games have additional features such as scatters and wilds that can add to your winning chances if they appear on the reels. Knowing how each one works can also simplify a game that may otherwise be too complicated to navigate on your own.

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